Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Life's crazy and I like it that way

if i was just sitting on my tush all day watching soaps and wondering what new song i was going to download from i tunes i would have some serious issues to deal with. fortunately with school demands and a social life that will not slow down...."popular, i know about pop-uu-lar!"....i need to break out that soundtrack again! :) :) :) but really, life is hectic. for seven months i'm working in a spa thinking that i will live the cushy little life of a massage therapist. not so cushy i end up finding out. i start up school, quit my job because of the unreliable hours, and i go back to old faithful a.k.a. arcadia christian school a few days a week. life can turn upside down like that. i've realized that's not always a bad thing. i came home from colorado early bird sunday morning and i've been on the go ever since. i haven't let a little tiredness get in the way. i've had a typical week of internship, school, and acs- and i'll be going to a woman's retreat this weekend with soon to be mama amber in ventura. i'm looking forward to what the weekend will bring and what God will show me!

next weekend i have my bi annual yard sale...(again with amber), a graduation party, and a fun night of line dancing. loves it. i gots to get back to taking vitamins and drinking water by the tank full like i did in the high school days of yesteryear. i am too busy and too committed to be getting tired.

it's funny how your life goes in waves. one minute i'm hanging out with friends here and there and finding lots of time to relax at home- just hanging out and taking it extra easy. before i know it i'm running around, barely finding enough time to do laundry or watch my beloved american idol- oorrrr post and email my colorado pictures which will be coming in the next hook or by crook i tell you.

so there is a little understanding (i hope) for some of you if i am not returning calls or i'm a little m.i.a. . let me tell you: this is just for the time being and i will make it happen to find some kind of balance with my life! what a blessing it is to have a lot of responsibilites and relationships. these are good things!! it's sure hard knowing how to have a crazy fun time and still relax it up too. i am motivated to find out how!

love to all!!!! have a tremendous weekend. i hope God shows you something new...

all my love,

Friday, April 24, 2009

The letter "R"

I am following suite to Cerissa as I have been tagged with the letter "R". I've given some creative thought to the top ten things and or concepts I like most that start with this letter. Here they are in no particular order....enjoy!

I have a fondness for not just roses, but roses of various colors...especially when they are arranged in a bouquet. I think the variety of colors is much more appealing then say just red roses. I do love yellow roses though.

Red Wine~
It's said that wine gets better with age...I hope the same will be said for me when I'm 95 and kicking. Red Wine has so much more character than white wine. Don't get me wrong, I love me a sweet glass of white from time to time, but I'm a sucker for a good Pinot Noir and Cabernet or Merlot (can't remember which one I like better).

What is better then kicking up your feet? Shoot, you tell me.... Whether it's relaxing at the beach, at home, in front of a movie, book, or just chillaxin with friends; the art of true relaxation is something many people have forgotten how to do without being lazy.

If I can find a book that interests me and strikes a cord on some level then I'm on board! When perusing through Borders I am both overwhelmed and inspired at the thought that I could read until the cows come home and still not have enough time (this would make my mom proud!). I'm finding that I enjoy reading before bed or especially when I am on vacation. Get me on vay-cay and you are sure to find a few books packed. Magazines are a guilty pleasure too...many of them are for the pictures so they only "half" count I suppose.

I am my mother's daughter, and have grown to enjoy "talk radio." Dr. Laura and Michael Savage are my favs. I am in love love love with On Air With Ryan Seacrest during the weekday mornings. Not to mention that there is a potpourri of various music stations, (even if many of them play some of the same songs over and over) the radio is a great alternative to staring at the t.v., and is nice background noise when folding laundry.

Road Trips~
Some of the Road Trips I've taken have been to Montana, Washington, Oregon, Iowa, Borrego Desert, Michigan, Arizona, and through parts of Tanzania and Kenya. Fun pictures, stories, and adventures have always come out of these. Being on the road can bring you into amazing conversations, and memorable adventures like car sickness, crazy drivers, weird towns, and new people. Love them!

Say what you think when you first hear this word. Rondevus to favorite vacation spots, Rondevus with old family and friends, and Rondevus of all kinds (let your imagination run) are some of life's joys.

Ryan Seacrest~
This man is a mere genius! From having the most entertaining morning radio show, (ever listened to Ryan's Roses anyone?) to being co-host of E news, having his own production company, and of course being host of the most fabulous American Idol- it is very curious why this prodigy has not dropped dead from all his responsibilities! He seems to love what he does, and is always "on". Do not underestimate the powers of Mr. Seacrest.... he is one of my favorite "R's." :)

Romantic Comedies~
Are by far some of my favorite kinds. Humor mixed with Romance...loves it. They are especially great during a rainy day or just when you need to relax and feel better about yourself. I'll take Romantic Comedies over stupid horror movies any day.

Roman Holiday~
Being that this is an Audrey Hepburn movie, it sure makes this top ten. The story tells of a princess who lives a day in the life of a regular citizen. The location of Rome and the relationship she develops with Gregory Peck's character is both charming and unexpected. Black and white and just right, this movie brings you back to the old Hollywood era when they really knew how to tell a good story.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Pay It Forward

Apparently, this is a title of a movie which I have yet to see... (Side-note I may give in to seeing
Twilight). For those of you who are screaming with joy at the thought, (Nikki) the only reason I am considering it is because I have been told by many who have seen the flick that it is more of a "love story" then just a focus on vampires- which sounds like the stupidest thing EVER. Though I may seem too cynical for love, I do appreciate love and I believe it is out there...even for me (gasp!) But back to Paying It Forward: This concept is such an important one because it allows us to put others before ourselves. It really is a challenge and a triumph of the human spirit when we "Pay It Forward". Let me explain...

Paying It Forward is basically doing something kind for someone else. If you were to help the little old lady across the street with her groceries that would be Paying It Forward. If you were to open the door for a crowd or even a single person, that would be Paying It Forward. Things like simple smiles as you walk past a person, giving a thoughtful gift to someone, sacrificing your time to help another in need....the list goes on. You get the idea yes?

To me, Paying It Forward is not only rewarding for the receiver, it is also rewarding to the giver. It helps instill a selfless mindset and is a wonderful representation of love... Love is KIND. Paying It Forward says to others that they are valued and important. I hope that we all will Pay It Forward in the coming days. I hope that it becomes contagious as others pick up on the thought behind it. In no way do we need to declare what we are doing, because I hope our actions alone will speak for themselves.

So, dear friends... Be kind, watch the movie for inspiration, and learn to Pay It Forward!

aloha from Colorado!

hello bloggers! yes, i know it has been far too long since i last posted at the beginning of the month. i have some down time here this afternoon and thought i would share with you all. i am visiting my Aunt Carol (mom's sister) and my two cousins who live out here with her- Elizabeth and Ian. thought i would take some of my spring break time from PCC to enjoy life's finer things (like visiting family and seeing new places). it's so nice having a change of scenery. we are just hanging out... i hope to go on a hike to one of the local spots while i am here. i may go to the "y" with my aunt this evening for an exercise class, and in a few minutes Elizabeth and I are going to borders...always a favorite. aannnd she just bought a Breakfast at Tiffany's puzzle. its 1000 pieces and i can't wait to tackle it with here while i'm here. you might be wondering why on God's green earth are you excited to do a puzzle nerd face? let me tell you that puzzles are a lost art. haven't done one in years but they are always challenging and fun. so i encourage all of you to start up with puzzles. you just might get hooked. oh, and we my visit some spots like Garden of the Gods, The Trading Post, and we also have reservations to go to an upscale tea on! :) i will be back Sunday morning in time for church....loyalites.

enough on all that... i still need to give my two-cents on the "pay it forward" topic. that will be next i PROMISE.

love, REBES

Saturday, April 4, 2009

take the GOOD with the BAD

so here i am. a lot is reeling through my head. i feel a little koo koo right now so hopefully getting this all out will at the very least make me feel better. here goes...

BAD news first:
the past 24 hrs i've been losing things and it is making me quickly lose my mind. it all started friday afternoon (yesterday) at work when i thought i lost an earring. mind you this is just an earring... not expensive, and replaceable. thankfully i found it after digging trough all the contents of my purse. problem solved; or so i thought. the next item up is one of my FAVORITE movies 'baby mama'. so ridiculous that i cannot describe to you, how do you lose the disc and not the cover? i got into the bad habit of just laying dvds around after watching them and not putting them away into their covers. so my wish is that it will magically appear. i have checked in both dvd players here at home, and high and low in all the expected places. maybe i'll have chad alder burn me a new copy. he does that you know. :) the third item are mine and my mom's tennis rackets. thought they were in the hall closet but nooooo. the next place to look for them is in our joke of a garage. at the moment it is filled up with stuff so that none of our cars fit in there. good luck finding the rackets in all of that. i have however, been quite persistent lately and i am not about to give up! lastly, i can't find any of my tax forms that i set aside. a week ago i went into a major spring cleaning of my bedroom, and somehow misplaced or even *ouch* threw them away. i now have to go to the palms and get a new print out of my earnings, (i hope they can do that) and also go to the library for a new form. so i am 1 for 4 for finding my lost stuff! pray that i can find all of this or somehow make it right in my mind. not a huge deal because they are material. but like anyone, it is making me feel like a nut! oh and by the way if we happened to play tennis together with the rackets in question, give me a holla!

the GOOD news: my aunt, uncle, and two cousins are visiting from virginia. its been fun taking them to the monrovia street fair, on a hike and to knotts. unfortunately, i wasn't able to join them in the last two mentioned because i had work. but not complaining here because this is the good news! we all will be meeting up for brunch tomorrow after church and have the afternoon to hang out before they leave on Monday morning. another piece of joy is that i got a facial at work today. as i am in my final days at the palms, (in case you didn't know. it's all for the best since i am at acs again as i mentioned earlier in a blog. ask me for details in person if you really care to know more.) sofie our facialist gave me a great facial as my "going away gift". plus, i heard through the grapevine that our spa will be throwing me a small going away dinner. that's nice eh? i am finishing up one of my classes on the 13th, so i will be at pcc one less day a week! during my spring break i will be spending over half of it in colorado with my other aunt and cousins. that will be in about 2 weeks, so of course i am looking forward to that. and last but most certainly not least i am all about "paying it forward." what is this you ask? check out my next blog...

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Quote of the day

"Risk-taking, trust, and serendipity are key ingredients of joy. Without risk, nothing new ever happens. Without trust, fear creeps in. Without serendipity, there are no surprises."

~Rita Golden Gelman, Author of Tales of a Female Nomad. She has had no permanent address since 1986.

*This woman is amazing! She is living one of my dreams...

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Fashion Icons

Yes the dear Victoria Beckham is one of them! I can say that I have four very strong fashion icons. I take away something from each of these woman and make it my own. They are all very different from each other, and they are all fabulous in the way they execute themselves and their styles. So here are the ladies in no particular order:

Victoria Beckham:

The woman is just amazing. She arrived into the fashion designing world a few years ago and is doing very very well at it. Her love of sunglasses, a perfect pair of jeans, and a feminine dress, are some of the items she is best known for helping create. I love how she just pops in whatever she is wearing at the moment. Victoria has had some extreme looks in the past, (especially during her Spice Girls days) but those times have only molded her into the fashionista that she is today. Victoria is beautiful, creative, and has a knack for putting together some of the most beautiful outfits.

Jennifer Aniston:

I mentioned her before in one of my other blogs. I admire her for her wonderful acting, her consciousness of health and fitness, and of course for her fashion. Jennifer knows how to make a simple outfit look great. Her signature color is black. From evening gowns to tank tops she knows how to make black look great for any occasion. Her style is really effortless, and her classic "girl next door" look is what she is known for. She doesn't have to over-do it to make a statement or look great. Jennifer's fashion sense will never go out of style!

Kate Hudson:

This boho-chic woman is a goddess! One of the first things that draws me to her style is her blond hair. She can pull off torn jeans, hippie blouses, and really anything with unique prints. She always looks pretty and feminine, and you never have to question her identity, because she knows exactly who she is. She doesn't have to wear a lot of make-up. Kate and Jennifer have natural beauty going for them. Natural beauty ie: good skin complexion, nice body shape, pretty eyes and smile- will take a woman a long way. Kate has it goin' on!

Audrey Hepburn:

Though this beauty has left us, her style and grace is not forgotten. She is best remembered for her feminine clothes, and classic taste. Audrey knew how to make any outfit look good with a string of pearls. Just take her in Breakfast at Tiffany's for her example. She also knew how to make the most of her face. Her eyebrows were usually perfectly shaped, and this also really helped play up her eyes. Even as she aged, she aged gracefully. She always drew love and attention from top fashion designers, (like Victoria) and she always presented herself with poise, elegance, and stunning beauty. Her look is timeless, and women still like to recreate the Audrey Hepburn look. That is a true testament to a true fashion icon.